Manage WAWF, UIDs, RFIDs and Mil-Std Labeling
Comply/Contracts uses a contract definition to automate WAWF transactions as well as drive mil-std labeling. Shipments are created by simply selecting a CLIN and quantity to ship. Add information like UIDs and Ship-To on the fly. Query VSM for shipping instructions.
Mil-Std-129 labeling uses same data drawn from the Contracts database as WAWF transactions. RFID data generated by Labeling can be in WAWF Receiving Reports or a separate Pack Update to follow. IUID / RFID container data is automatically aggregated for WAWF.
Comply/Contracts includes more than a dozen reports to help keep track of the progress of a contract and outstanding deliverables. In essence, Comply/Contracts adds a contract-level of organization to the rest of the MIL-Comply capabilities.