WAWF Automation makes submitting shipment data to WAWF much more efficient than typing into WAWF’s web screens.
Benefits of Automating WAWF
- Much less time spent re-typing the same data.
- Fewer errors since less data is manually typed.
- Fewer urgent tasks since data can be prepared and queued ahead of time.
- Eliminate 90% of initial data entry through the automation of downloading contract data.
- Auto-generate RFID & UID data.
- Eliminate dependency on WAWF system speeds.
How WAWF Automation works:
… by eliminating the need to type WAWF data into a web browser.
- Sending data to WAWF in batch transactions, kind of like emails.
- Convert contract awards from the government into WAWF Receiving Reports and/or Invoices.
- Automatically create labels, even barcoded DD1348s.
- Using WAWF transaction data for other process, such as container labeling.
Fill in email address below to download Guide to WAWF Automation (PDF).