The label formats for Unit Packs and Intermediate Containers are essentially the same, except as described below.
- A unit pack is the first tie, wrap, or container of an item [definition]. The number of items in the unit pack is defined by the Mil-Std-2073 Quantity per Unit Pack(QUP) packaging code cited by the contract.
- An intermediate container is a wrap, bundle or container with two or more unit packs of identical items [definition] . Normally one or more intermediate packages will be bundled to make a shipping container. The number of units in the intermediate pack is defined by the Mil-Std-2073 Quantity per Intermediate Pack(QIP) packaging code cited by the contract.
Required Unit Pack and Intermediate Container Markings

The basic Unit Pack and Intermediate Container markings consist of both human readable text and linear and the NSN bar code. The required text information is (in order listed) [¶5.1.1]:
- National Stock Number (NSN) or NATO stock number with dashes or spaces and any prefixes or suffixes. If no NSN is assigned, then this line may be omitted.
- CAGE of the Prime Contractor.
- Part Number from the contract or order, if one is cited. Otherwise the prime contractor part number may be used or part number can be left blank.
- Item description or nomenclature, exactly as it appears on the contract, purchase order, or requisition (abbreviated if necessary).
- Quantity and Unit of Issue. Note: For intermediate containers, the quantity stated is the number of items, not the number of unit packs contained within.
- Contract number or purchase order number with dashes, i.e., DAAB07-96-C-1234. Include the four-digit delivery order number if applicable. Follow contract with Lot Number, if applicable.
- Military preservation method and date of unit preservation. If a military preservation method doesn’t apply, the method space will be left blank. If a preservation date doesn’t apply, the pack date will be shown. Preceed military preservation methods (except ZZ) with the letter M (e.g. “M10” for Method 10).
- Shelf Life markings, as appropriate. (See ¶5.2.1)
- Serial Number(s), if applicable. If more than five serial numbered items are in the container, use a Serial Number List, and state “SERIAL NUMBER LIST INSIDE”.
Barcoded Information
One or more bar codes (or a PDF417) are required. Containers that include UID items required special UID container labels. Containers that do not include UID items, the following bar codes should be included: [¶]
The use of a 2D PDF417 symbol for unit and intermediate containers is optional, required only if the item(s) are UID. However, the standard [] allows for the use of either linear bar codes and/or a 2D symbol to encode the serial number(s). Thus a combination of the two methods is permissible, as is the use of just the PDF417 by itself.
- NSN/NATO stock number, if one is assigned. Do not include dashes, spaces, prefix or suffix unless other specified in contract.
- Serial Number(s). If more than five serial numbered items are in the container, use a serial number list instead of bar coding each on the label.
The use of a 2D PDF417 symbol for unit and intermediate containers is optional, required only if the item(s) are UID. However, the standard [] allows for the use of either linear bar codes and/or a 2D symbol to encode the serial number(s). Thus a combination of the two methods is permissible, as is the use of just the PDF417 by itself.
2D Unit Cntr with SN Bar Code
Unit Cntr with SN Only in the PDF417